Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Based on the DC Comics supervillain/anti-hero team the Suicide Squad, the game revolves around the titular team of super-criminals, who are assembled by Amanda Waller and sent to Metropolis to stop the alien invader Brainiac and save the members of the Justice League who have been brainwashed by him. The game will see players take control of the infamous squad of baddies as they’re forced to contend with the true greats of the DC comics world in a four-player co-op shooter.
Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Release Date
The game is set to be released on May 26, 2023 for Windows, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. Players can choose to play solo or with up to four players in co-op mode. In solo mode, players can switch between characters at will, while the other characters are controlled by the AI. In multiplayer mode, each player will take control of one of the four main characters: Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark.
The game is set in the universe previously established by the Batman: Arkham series, taking place sometime after the events of Batman: Arkham Knight. Amanda Waller creates a task force known as the Suicide Squad, which is composed of Arkham Asylum inmates Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot and King Shark, for a covert mission in Metropolis. Only when they arrive in the city do they realize the severity of the situation: Brainiac has invaded Earth and has started brainwashing its inhabitants, including Justice League members Superman, The Flash, Green Lantern, and Batman, with Wonder Woman as the only apparent member who is not under Brainiac’s control. Unable to depend on any hero for help, it is up to the Suicide Squad to save the world by freeing the Justice League from Brainiac’s control and stopping him before he destroys Metropolis and, eventually, the world.
The game will feature a range of gadgets and weapons to improve the squad’s chances of success, as well as a variety of enemies, from Brainiac’s robotic minions to Superman himself. Fans of the Batman: Arkham series can expect to find plenty of familiar faces and plot threads, including the Joker’s death in Batman: Arkham City and the public revelation of Batman’s identity as Bruce Wayne in.
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