“Lighthouse” is a map in the popular game “Escape from Tarkov.” This map is set in a lighthouse and surrounding coastal area, offering players a unique and challenging environment to navigate.
The Extraction Points
Northern Checkpoint

Southern Road

Mountain Pass

Road to Military Base Vehicle Extract

Industrial Zone Gates

Hideout Under the Landing Stage

Armored Train

Path to Shoreline

Side Tunnel

Scav Hideout at the Grotto

Southern Road Landslide

Here’s a full map of Reserve with Key Locations

The New Boss and the Lighthouse Keeper
Another important aspect of the Lighthouse map is the new boss that has been added to the game, known as the “Zryachiy” This boss is a heavily armed and armored enemy that patrols the lighthouse and its surrounding areas. Defeating the Lighthouse Keeper can be challenging, as he is heavily armored and has a variety of weapons at his disposal. However, taking him down will yield valuable loot for players. And when you defeat the boss you can walk up to the Lighthouse and talk to the “Lighthouse Keeper.”

Overall, the Lighthouse map in Escape from Tarkov offers players a unique and challenging environment with a variety of extraction points and a new, formidable boss to contend with. It’s a map that requires a different approach and different skills from the players, making it a challenging and thrilling experience.
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