When Battlefield 2042 released back in 2021, it didn’t quite hit its mark. That being said, the game’s fan base has kept it going, and Season 4 is expected to arrive later this year. Excitingly, battlefield 2042 will be receiving a classes update, although it won’t be an exact replica of the original.
Upcoming Feature
EA DICE is continuing to develop the Battlefield 2042 game with its 3.2 update, which is proving to be a noteworthy addition for gamers. The update is introducing the new class system for the game, an element that players were originally anticipating. This follows the recent Battle of Nordvik event, a limited-mode activity that focused on team cooperation and Battlefield gameplay.
EA DICE has been joyfully welcomed back with the launch of Battlefield 2042, and their latest Dev Notes post explains that there was some dissatisfaction with Specialists. The feedback focused on the lack of identity for the classes, and the team studied the comments and came up with alterations that should increase the experience of playing the game.
New Design
DICE has stated that, following a collection of private playtests, they have implemented “multiple design advances to class gameplay” in Battlefield 2042. Players will be delighted to find that the class system has been reinstated, although some changes may be made in upcoming updates.

The developer is aiming to enhance the “readability of encounters” and the “sense of role” in Battlefield 2042. It is vital that players can ascertain the class and potential loadout scenarios. To make classes more synergistic, Weapon Proficiencies and Weapon Archetypes have been introduced which will encourage players to match weapons to their class.
Example of The New Classes
For instance, Assault players will be able to take advantage of assault rifles more effectively, offering them three additional magazines. Recon players can make use of sniper rifles with better accuracy. Players are still able to adjust their approach in a versatile way, but this system is meant to motivate “a suggestion on what could work best while still providing Class identity.”
EA has announced the upcoming Seasons 4 and 5 for Battlefield 2042. The end of Year 1 will be marked by the release of Season 4, which includes a new Battle Pass, hardware, and a still unnamed map. Players can anticipate close-quarters combat in this smaller, shorter, and linear map that is consistent with the Battlefield experience.
Discarded & Hourglass Update
Two newly altered renditions of the maps called Discarded and Hourglass are in production and the official launch date will be revealed soon.
It appears as if the opportune moment has arrived to start up the game again. Therefore, you may be pondering: Could Battlefield 2042 be available on Game Pass? We’ll be looking forward to seeing you out there.
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